Maybe this Christmas was the straw that broke the camel’s back and you’ve made the call to finally go your separate ways. This decision isn’t easy, especially if you have children, but it’s often the one that is needed.
Read MoreAccording to research , divorce comes in at the second most stressful life event closely followed by the almost identical event of marriage separation: these events only being less stressful or traumatic than the death of a spouse.
Read MoreFor those who are experiencing their first festive season as a single parent or those who are “seasoned” hands, here are tips/reminders to avoid conflict to ensure that the children don’t have to endure battling parents
Read MoreBased on a recent inquiry an Exposure Bill has been created with several suggested amendments to improve the current family law legislation. This Bill aims to centre the best interests of the child, focus on the need to address family violence, child abuse and neglect and to simplify the current legislation
Read MoreWe are delighted to announce that solicitors Bethel Campbell and Katrina Peters have been appointed as Directors of Statewide! Statewide has been servicing its conveyancing clients throughout Mackay and the wider Queensland region since 1997, and in recent years has grown to also offer a full suite of commercial law and family law solutions, led by Bethel and Katrina respectively.
Read MoreA Parenting Plan is an agreement that: (a) is in writing; (b) is or was made between the parents of a child…
Read MoreOn 1 January 2022 the next part of the smoke alarm legislation kicks in. From 1 January 2022 if a seller enters into a contract of sale for a residential property the Seller must ensure it complies with the current smoke alarm regulations.
Read MoreWe often hear the horror stories about separated parents who just can’t put their own issues aside and focus on the well-being and best interests of their children.
Read MoreBuying a new house or property can be stressful. Statewide Conveyancing has taken the time to prepare a handy Buyers To Do List to help you stay organised.
Read More“Listen here you fat (blank)”…”your bogan (blank) can play happily (sic) families on Facebook with her kids as [X] is no longer available for you to use. He is my son and not your paycheck (sic) you bludging junkie filth.”...
Read MoreIf you are selling a property that you currently live in, then you will need to move to your new home before the settlement date. To help with your move, Statewide Conveyancing have put together a useful Seller’s To Do List.
Read MoreIf you are buying a house, you will have to carry out a number of inspections prior to purchase. We recommend the following professionals.
Read MoreOften I have clients say to me, “I got told that if you’ve been together more than 2 years then the other party automatically gets half”.
Read MoreA cost effective and quick way to formalize parenting arrangements is by way of a Consent Order which is filed in the Family Court of Australia.
Read MoreDeciding to separate is a hard-enough decision in itself but it also comes with having to make significant life changing decisions that you probably never thought you would have to face
Read MoreIn a world where the use and reliance of communicating and transacting online is ever increasing, new areas of vulnerability are being exposed and exploited as fraudsters become more sophisticated.
Read MoreIn response to the COVID-19 pandemic the Queensland Government announced new measures to Queensland’s residential tenancy laws to protect tenants and landlords during the current crisis.
Read MoreDuring the last 18 months the RTA has made a concerted push to stop landlords inserting special conditions in tenancy agreement requiring the tenant to professionally clean the carpets upon vacating. The RTA has argued that such a clause is in breach of s171 of the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Act.
Read MoreAs part of consumer protection laws, buyers purchasing residential property in Queensland are entitled to cooling off period, which allows the buyer to terminate the contract. In this blog we go over a couple of common questions and answers regarding this:
Read MoreA highly anticipated change to the way property transactions are handled will come into effect from 1 October, 2019. In...
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