With a severe weather event expected to hit South East Queensland in the coming days, many insurance companies have implemented an insurance embargo. This means homeowners and prospective buyers won’t be able to take out new policies until the event passes.
Read MoreWe are delighted to announce that solicitors Bethel Campbell and Katrina Peters have been appointed as Directors of Statewide! Statewide has been servicing its conveyancing clients throughout Mackay and the wider Queensland region since 1997, and in recent years has grown to also offer a full suite of commercial law and family law solutions, led by Bethel and Katrina respectively.
Read MoreOn 1 January 2022 the next part of the smoke alarm legislation kicks in. From 1 January 2022 if a seller enters into a contract of sale for a residential property the Seller must ensure it complies with the current smoke alarm regulations.
Read MoreBuying a new house or property can be stressful. Statewide Conveyancing has taken the time to prepare a handy Buyers To Do List to help you stay organised.
Read MoreIf you are buying a house, you will have to carry out a number of inspections prior to purchase. We recommend the following professionals.
Read MoreA highly anticipated change to the way property transactions are handled will come into effect from 1 October, 2019. In...
Read MoreIt is often assumed that if you have the exclusive use of an area (eg courtyard) you are always responsible...
Read MoreBuyers often believe by doing a pest and building inspection they are guaranteeing everything will be okay with the property....
Read MoreAirBnB and Stayz are a growing trend as a holiday accommodation option.
You may even have...
Read MoreIt is that time of year when things are starting to heat up; here are some of our top tips...
Read MoreMany people are unsure of their rights about keeping a pet in their unit complex. Here, we clear up five...
Read MoreWhen purchasing a property there are so many things we must take into consideration.
Often, purchasers rely on their agents to...
Read MoreWhen purchasing a property there are so many things we must take into consideration. Often, purchasers rely on their agents to supply them with information regarding all aspects of the property. And agents are often given information in good faith by the owner.
Read MorePurchasers are not always aware that they are entitled to a pre-settlement inspection under a standard REIQ contract. The purpose of a pre-settlement inspection is to ensure the property has not been damaged by the seller since the purchaser entered into the contract, and also to ensure the seller has made any variations agreed upon during the conveyancing process.
Read MoreLaws regarding pool safety are in place in an attempt to prevent tragic...
Read MoreWhat is “Off the Plan”?
Buying Off the Plan is not like buying an existing house or unit. Like the name...
Read MoreIt is important as a buyer to know when the seller will no longer be liable for any damage to...
Read MoreIt is certainly a good idea to engage a law/conveyancing firm when purchasing a townhouse or unit, as the surrounding...
Read MoreIt can be difficult to understand some of the complex terminology within Residential House and Land Contracts. This...
A standard contract in Queensland (e.g. REIQ or ADL) is often subject to a building and pest condition.
It is the...
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